The news today seems full of stuff about Alaska's governor Sarah Palin. And she looks incredibly familiar. I know why: because she looks like a serious, book-ish version of Law and Order SVU's Mariska Hargitay! Here are pics:
Ashok Kumar - I recently rewatched Mere Mehboob, and I have fallen in love agian with a young Ashok Kumar - him speaking Urdu makes my heart pound! Yeh kya kar dala tune, dil tera ho gaya...
Wine of the Week
Water - I've been off wine for a bit.
Quote for the "however-long-it-takes-to-find-another-quote".
"Pongo uttered a curious hissing sound like the death-rattle of a soda-water siphon." ~ P. G. Wodehouse
What I am reading (or have read this year)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Larsson (reading)
Mulliner Nights - Wodehouse (reading)
Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit - Wodehouse
The Trials of Rumpole - Mortimer
The Unbearable Lightness of Scones - McCall Smith
Escape - Jessop
The World According to Bertie - McCall Smith
An Omnivore's Dilemma - Pollan
Meet Mr. Mulliner - Wodehouse
Teatime for the Traditionally Built - McCall Smith
Oh Yeah !!:)..
Stunningly similar :)!!
Hee Hee... yeah, it struck me as soon as Palin was all over the news. :-)
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