Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Passed My Prelims!

I successfully passed my written prelims! This means that I am now officially a "real" Ph.D. candidate. I have already done most of the work involved, but it really takes passing this test to make it official. Coming up in the next few weeks is my dissertation proposal. I am very very rushed for time and have no idea how I will get all this done in a month, but I hope that I can. Proposing my dissertation pronto is vital since I have to get this done in order to go on internship next year. Since I don't want to be stuck here for another year, it's nose to the grindstone now...

P.S. Update on the food from last post - I did not get to make it for my sister. I made stuff for the Onam potluck, but ended up eating leftovers or going out for meals with my sis. Maybe next time...


MJ aka Paps said...

congrats sweetie!

Unknown said...

Hey Asha Congrats.
Actually I haven't been reading your posts for a month but I've read it after you posted a good news.

Azalea said...

Manju and Ravi, thanks a bunch!!! I am ecstatic too!

കുട്ടിച്ചാത്തന്‍ said...

hi Ash,

a belated congrats....

Well it is easy to find out who I am.....