Sunday, February 14, 2010

Three Years

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Although I don't have much to say today, I wanted to make a quick post noting that today is the third anniversary of my blog. The last half-year has been rather slow in terms of updates and posts, but I anticipate writing some more soon.

I marked this Valentine's day by watching "The Hurt Locker", reading a few chapters of the first Lord Peter Wimsey novel, and eating vadas with tea while it snowed outside my window. Delightful Sunday afternoon, don't you think?


Unknown said...

Very Impressive. You read so many books. Have you ever read "The Holy Bible" ? It is a wonderful book, but might take you longer than an year to complete. Good to see you back in action...Take care

Olivia said...

To whom so ever it concerns,

Asha did read the whole Bible more than once. She and I went to a Bible quiz and won the 1st prize !!!


Azalea said...

HAHAHA. There's your answer Jacob! Thanks Nishu.

ushaar said...

LOL! Good one Stephen sisters!