Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Sweet Smell of Success

I have finally, finally done it! Two and a half years after I first began it, I have today completed my Master's thesis. I defended this morning. My committee recommended a few minor changes for the thesis and a multitude of suggestions for the proposed journal article. So barring some routine paperwork, I am in possession of my second Master's degree!!!! Today ends my three-week long run of marathon night-and-day manuscript-writing sessions, and is the consummation of a semester's worth of nights working away at statistical analyses. Success comes at last!

Amat victoria curam!


ushaar said...

hey! congratulations!!...had no idea u were defending this week...anywys...glad it went well :) will talk to u soon....

Jose said...


Beautiful Mind said...

sorry for being late
congratulations and more!
i was unable to congratulate you before, so that also comes through this!!
so your Xmas was great!

Now wish you a happy new year

Azalea said...

Thank you so much! I am very excited about it too. :-)