Tuesday, October 16, 2007


A friend of mine sent me an offline message: “Why do you get drunk and announce it to the whole world?” I assume he is referring to my post, Nachtgold. Contrast this with another friend who consults me on what wine he ought to pair with what food, and tells me that he thinks it is brilliant that I am an authority on wine (FYI- I am not! He just thinks I am because I know a bit more about wine than he does). Another friend actually called me “a woman of culture”, not purely based on my knowledge of wines… other things as well, and I was most immensely flattered. What a world of conflicting messages we live in! But in any case, I was thinking as I wondered how to respond to this person: what do I say to someone who doesn't understand drinking which is not extreme? That drinking can be a means of exquisite pleasure and not merely a method of entering rather expediently into oblivion? That women might drink too and enjoy it, and that alcohol isn't an accessory that only helps enhance and display machismo? That temperance is possible when one raises a glass to one's mouth? In the end, I decided not to justify, since I had no need to. I merely told Jacob that I did not get "drunk", I enjoyed a glass of wine with dinner, that I wasn't apologetic or ashamed and that I had no need to be.

Anyone who knows me, knows fairly well enough that provoking me in any such way only leads to rebellion. Ergo, I have decided to start a new section on my blog called "Wine of the Week". I consume about a bottle of wine a week, about a glass of it every alternate day. My preference tends to be for full-bodied sweet wines, but I will take recommendations if anyone has any. I intend to describe the wine I am currently drinking and post my opinion of it. Please do not go by the comments I post - I don't know as much about wine and wine drinking as I would like to, and am hardly a wine connoisseur. Also, since I am only an impoverished grad student, the wines I showcase will tend to be representative of the "cheap" or "clearance" aisles. I might splurge once in a while and decide to treat myself, but that will probably be the exception and not the rule. So, enjoy vicariously through me!


ushaar said...

HAHAHA!! The last para was the funniest thing I've read in a LONG time! U GO GIRL!!!!!!

Azalea said...

Thanks Aarti. It did kind of piss me off. Vive la drinkers ! :)

Olivia said...



Drinking wine or alcohol is not any kind of prerogative thing for men!!!!!!

I decided to drink to the new section you have decided to post every week from now on...

GO CATS.... (My school's game slogan)

Go Women.... (My slogan for WOMEN-IN-POWER)

Go Ashu.... (My slogan for my HEROINE)...


Azalea said...

Nishu, you sweet darling!!! I'll join you both in the kicking and the drinking.. . more whole-heartedly in the drnking. :) Love you!!!!

Olivia said...

Sure..... ;)