I have started to watch a new series: Bad Girls. It is exactly like watching Oz: except the prison is located in the UK, the characters have British accents, it is a women’s prison, and everyone is catty, not violent. Oz, was of course a much better produced show, most characters were better developed and the whole thing had a much more finished feel. But just like there was incredible chemistry on Oz between Toby and my Chrissy, this show has a sideline love story between one of the prisoners Nikki, and the wing governor Helen, played brilliantly by Mandana Jones and Simone Lahbib. A beautiful, sweet, terribly heart wrenching love story. Unfortunately, only the first series of this show is available in the US. It’s a terrible pity because there are six more seasons which I have no idea when I will get to watch.
But today’s post is about Mandana Jones who plays Nikki - the beautiful, strong prisoner with a heart of gold, and unshakable loyalty to those she loves. Mandana Jones’ character Nikki is possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen on the screen. While my Chrissy’s love on Oz was laced with cruelty, hers is love that is nothing but beautiful. Here’s a picture of Nikki looking at Helen lovingly.
I’ve joined her fan following. She’s also going to be my first female blog sweetheart. :-) She is beautiful!! See her here in a video from YouTube.
Way, way late to your Mandana party, but I wholeheartedly share your Mandana love. In fact, a friend and I admire her so much that we made a website for her. I feel a bit dodgy for plugging a site on your blog, but I'm hoping the mutual interest will excuse my potential "sales pitch". :)
Ashok Kumar - I recently rewatched Mere Mehboob, and I have fallen in love agian with a young Ashok Kumar - him speaking Urdu makes my heart pound! Yeh kya kar dala tune, dil tera ho gaya...
Wine of the Week
Water - I've been off wine for a bit.
Quote for the "however-long-it-takes-to-find-another-quote".
"Pongo uttered a curious hissing sound like the death-rattle of a soda-water siphon." ~ P. G. Wodehouse
What I am reading (or have read this year)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Larsson (reading)
Mulliner Nights - Wodehouse (reading)
Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit - Wodehouse
The Trials of Rumpole - Mortimer
The Unbearable Lightness of Scones - McCall Smith
Escape - Jessop
The World According to Bertie - McCall Smith
An Omnivore's Dilemma - Pollan
Meet Mr. Mulliner - Wodehouse
Teatime for the Traditionally Built - McCall Smith
Way, way late to your Mandana party, but I wholeheartedly share your Mandana love. In fact, a friend and I admire her so much that we made a website for her. I feel a bit dodgy for plugging a site on your blog, but I'm hoping the mutual interest will excuse my potential "sales pitch". :)
I hope you'll surf by and check it out!
I agree Mandana is the most beatiful woman on the screen. I just wish we could see more of her here in America!
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